from lib import config as config_module from lib import init_server from lib import utils from clore_hosting import main as clore_hosting import asyncio, os from lib import logging as logging_lib config = config_module.config log = logging_lib.log auth = utils.get_auth() if config.init_token: if auth=='': init_token = str(config.init_token) if len(init_token)==48: else: print("\x1b[31mInvalid token\x1b[0m") else: print("\x1b[31mServer has already set up login credentials\x1b[0m") elif config.reset: if auth=='': print("\x1b[31mCan't reset not logged in client\x1b[0m") else: res = utils.yes_no_question("\x1b[31mDo you really want to reset client?\x1b[0m\nIf you reset, authorization key will be dumped and you will never be able to login as the old server") if res: os.remove(config.auth_file) utils.run_command_v2("systemctl restart clore-hosting.service") log.success("Client login reseted") elif config.service: if len(auth)==32+48+1: clore_client = clore_hosting.CloreClient(auth_key=auth) else: print("TODO: Firstly config auth") else: print("Clore client help\n--init-token (Initialize server)\n--reset (Remove current login)")