2024-12-02 00:06:53 +00:00
from lib import ensure_packages_installed
from lib import config as config_module
from lib import logging as logging_lib
from lib import clore_partner_socket
from lib import latency_test
from lib import openvpn
from lib import utils
import asyncio
import random
import json
import time
import re
import os
import aiofiles.os
from aiohttp import ClientSession, ClientTimeout
config = config_module.config
log = logging_lib.log
MANDATORY_PACKEGES = ['dmidecode', 'openvpn', 'iproute2']
DUMMY_WORKLOAD_CONTAINER = "cloreai/partner-dummy-workload"
host_facts_location = os.path.join(config.clore_partner_base_dir, "host_facts")
partner_cache_location = os.path.join(config.clore_partner_base_dir, "partner_cache")
next_ensupe_packages_check = 0
is_socket_running = False
partner_container_config = None
async def initialize():
global next_ensupe_packages_check
global is_socket_running
await aiofiles.os.makedirs(host_facts_location, exist_ok=True)
await aiofiles.os.makedirs(partner_cache_location, exist_ok=True)
await aiofiles.os.makedirs("/etc/openvpn/client", exist_ok=True)
if not is_socket_running:
location=os.path.join(host_facts_location, "partner_interface.socket")
if next_ensupe_packages_check < time.time():
success = await ensure_packages_installed.ensure_packages_installed(MANDATORY_PACKEGES, None)
next_ensupe_packages_check = float('inf') if success else time.time() + 60*60 # if did not succeeed -> retry in 1hr
if not success:
return False
elif next_ensupe_packages_check != float('inf'):
return False
code, stdout, stderr = await utils.async_run_command(
"dmidecode -t 2",
if code == 0 and not stderr:
async with aiofiles.open(os.path.join(host_facts_location, "dmidecode_t2.txt"), mode='w') as file:
await file.write(stdout)
return False
code, stdout, stderr = await utils.async_run_command(
if code == 0 and not stderr:
async with aiofiles.open(os.path.join(host_facts_location, "dmidecode.txt"), mode='w') as file:
await file.write(stdout)
return False
return True
except Exception as e:
log.error(f"FAIL | clore_partner.initialize | {e}")
return False
async def get_partner_allowed_images():
file_exists = await aiofiles.os.path.exists(os.path.join(partner_cache_location, "container_list.json"))
if not file_exists:
return []
images = []
async with aiofiles.open(os.path.join(partner_cache_location, "container_list.json"), mode='r') as file:
content = await file.read()
containers = json.loads(content)
for container in containers:
image = container.get("Config", {}).get("Image", None)
if image and not image in images:
return images
except Exception as e:
return None
def validate_partner_container_name(name):
if type(name) != str:
return False
elif name==config.clore_partner_container_name:
return True
pattern = r"^C\.\d+$"
return bool(re.match(pattern, name))
def validate_partner_workload_container_name(name):
if type(name) != str:
return False
pattern = r"^C\.\d+$"
return bool(re.match(pattern, name))
last_openvpn_config = None
def get_partner_container_config():
global partner_container_config
return partner_container_config
async def configure(partner_config):
global last_openvpn_config
global partner_container_config
if last_openvpn_config != partner_config:
partner_container_config = {
"image": partner_config["partner_image"],
"name": config.clore_partner_container_name,
2024-12-07 00:34:12 +00:00
"hostname": f"{partner_config['partner_id'][:16]}-m{partner_config['machine_id']}",
2024-12-02 00:06:53 +00:00
"env": {
"AUTH": partner_config['partner_id'],
"ip_addr": partner_config['openvpn_host'],
"port_range": f'{partner_config['ports'][0]}-{partner_config['ports'][1]}'
"volumes": {
f"{host_facts_location}": {"bind": "/var/lib/vastai_kaalia/specs_source"},
f"{partner_cache_location}": {"bind": "/var/lib/vastai_kaalia/data"},
f"/var/lib/docker": {"bind": "/var/lib/docker"},
f"/var/run/docker.sock": {"bind": "/var/run/docker.sock"}
"gpus": True,
"command": '',
"network": "clore-partner-br0",
"ip": "",
"cap_add": ["SYS_ADMIN"],
"devices": ["/dev/fuse"],
#"security_opt": ["apparmor:unconfined"],
"ports": [f"{partner_config['ports'][1]}:{partner_config['ports'][1]}"],
r = await openvpn.clore_partner_configure(partner_config)
if r:
last_openvpn_config = partner_config
# -----------------------------------------
next_latency_measurment = 0
async def fetch_forwarding_nodes():
url = "https://api.clore.ai/v1/get_relay"
timeout = ClientTimeout(total=30)
async with ClientSession(timeout=timeout) as session:
async with session.get(url) as response:
data = await response.json()
return data
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred: {e}")
return None
async def set_next_latency_measurment(ts):
global next_latency_measurment
async with aiofiles.open(os.path.join(config.clore_partner_base_dir, ".next_latency_measurment"), mode='w') as file:
await file.write(str(ts))
except Exception as e:
async def measure_forwarding_latency():
global next_latency_measurment
if next_latency_measurment > time.time():
return False
await aiofiles.os.makedirs(config.clore_partner_base_dir, exist_ok=True)
file_exists = await aiofiles.os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.clore_partner_base_dir, ".next_latency_measurment"))
if file_exists:
async with aiofiles.open(os.path.join(config.clore_partner_base_dir, ".next_latency_measurment"), mode='r') as file:
content = await file.read()
if content.isdigit():
next_latency_measurment = int(content)
if next_latency_measurment < time.time():
node_info = await fetch_forwarding_nodes()
if type(node_info) == dict and node_info.get("country") and type(node_info.get("nodes")) == dict and node_info.get("code") == 0:
to_test_nodes = []
ip_to_region = {}
valid_regions = []
for node_region in node_info.get("nodes").keys():
nodes_ip_list = node_info.get("nodes")[node_region]
if type(nodes_ip_list) == list and len(nodes_ip_list) > 0:
to_test_nodes = to_test_nodes + nodes_ip_list
for node_ip in nodes_ip_list:
if len(to_test_nodes) > 0:
measurment_result = await latency_test.measure_latency_icmp(to_test_nodes)
if measurment_result:
for idx, res in enumerate(measurment_result):
if res["received"] > 2 and not ip_to_region.get(res["host"]) in valid_regions:
measurment_result[idx]["region"] = ip_to_region.get(res["host"])
if len(valid_regions) == len(ip_to_region.keys()):
await set_next_latency_measurment(int(
time.time() + 60*60*24*30 # Re run in 30 days, because measurment succeeded
return measurment_result
await set_next_latency_measurment(int(
time.time() + 60*60*24 # Retry in 24hr, all regions in country should be reacheable
await set_next_latency_measurment(int(
time.time() + 60*60*72 # Retry in 72hr (clore partner service is not available in host country yet)
return False
await set_next_latency_measurment(int(
time.time() + 60*60*12 # Retry in 12hr, the response was not matching the required format
return False
return False
except Exception as e:
return False
def filter_partner_dummy_workload_container(containers):
remaining_containers = []
for container in containers:
if container["image"] != DUMMY_WORKLOAD_CONTAINER:
return remaining_containers
except Exception as e:
return containers